02 May 2009

Thoughts to Nurse On: Torche & Harvey Milk

Now that I have secured future passage to the July 26 Torche/Harvey Milk show at MHoW, feel free to go secure your own. Last time I saw Torche was about 3 years ago at the now-defunct Siné. I recall being very impressed, but there was little to indicate at the time of what they would soon be capable. This is exciting, particularly since I'll be missing Intronaut and Kylesa next weekend. I think I've listened to at least one Intronaut song every day for the past month or so. They're gooooood.

(Also, while I'm here, apologies for the lack of posts. Little of public interest has happened to me lately.)


Wayne said...

Just saw Torche a few weeks ago. They get better every time I see them.

So, are you missing Kylesa and Intronaut b/c you don't wanna see Mastodon? Saw this show the other night, and you might want to reconsider if there are tix available. Kylesa and Intronaut played better than ever, and Mastodon DESTROYED. They might even turn you around on "Crack the Skye". Plus they did about 10 older numbers after CTS.

Alex said...

we were gonna get tix to just see kylesa and intronaut, but both shows had sold out already.